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Tripple-A • 10 months ago

While the case itself is great the trail was an absolute nightmare.
The Madonna got a fair punishment but Eri should have pretty much lost her job for that move. She was working actively against the defendant thus failing at her job and she only got a scolding.
The whole trial could have been resolved way better.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Been since the 200th’s that we focused on a lawyer case with ran’s mother

LesK • 1 year ago

that's so fake it's OBVIOUS! gahhhhd even with the camera cut from the dude to the Madonna's face and then back to the dude it was FAKE!

if she didn't see that, she's a moron.

go to timecode 21:37 and put the playback speed on 0.5x and watch the scene. his limbs NEVER MOVE beyond the vertical resting positions of his own volition. he was lifted up into the air BY HIS NECK! or some other device/trick and moved over the railing of the balcony. i'm betting he was dead BEFORE the Prosecutor ever arrived at the building.

to climb a wall and railing that high you have to USE YOUR HANDS! at least one! hike one foot up and put it on the wall, or hell lean directly over at the waist atop the railing and just dangle yourself and push up with your toes till gravity takes over and down you go.

from behind the dude's back camera shot, the railing on the balcony wall looks about nipple high on that guy's chest. previously in the episode Kogoro said he's about an inch or two TALLER than Kogoro. you don't just levitate straight up into the air till the railing is at your hip-joints, suddenly pull a jack-knife pool diving move bending OVER the railing, NEVER MOVING YOUR ARMS OR HANDS OR LEGS! then fall over the edge. period. that. is. so FAKE!

also? where in the fudge-brownies is his wife in that whole scene?! she's NOT EVEN IN THE ROOM! the Prosecutor does a quick scan of the living room, sees the big flat-screen TV, the couches, the coffee table, sees NO wife, wife screams, "He's on the veranda!" annnd Prosecutor goes directly to the closed sliding glass door. looking at the dude THROUGH SHEER CURTAINS! not directly through the glass of the door... the wife ran into the apartment and DISAPPEARS before the Prosecutor had a chance to take her shoes off in the entry-way! that. is. so. fake!

the wife doesn't appear till the dude's on the ground below, Prosecutor is leaning over the railing looking down, camera looks up from below at the Prosecutor's face and body and THEN the wife's head pops into view like a damn meercat standing up out of its burrow.

Sazoku • 1 year ago

You've got to understand, the prosecutor is already in panic mode upon entering the room thanks to the weird message the wife had her read in the elevator. Add to that hearing the wife shout as if the guy is about to commit suicide.

It is nice that you are calm enough to see and observe all this but if you are in the actual spot, I don't think you would even remember these tiny details. Had this happen to me a decade ago. A cousin of my friend drank shampoo, and everybody was in panic and shock. Last thing I remember I was carrying her to the vehicle and the waiting in the hospital. Can't even remember her state before I carried her or how me and my friend went down from 3F of the house.

Inspector Naruhodo • 10 months ago

RAFT analysis sir

Basically, people only remember small, select amounts of information—and when asked to recall it later, use that biased image to support their opinions about the situation. The set of images is originally processed in the brain when first experienced. When remembered, this image reactivates, and the mind can edit and alter the memory, which takes place in hindsight bias when new and correct information is presented, leading one to believe that this new information, when remembered at a later time, is the person's original memory. Due to this reactivation in the brain, there may be permanent changes to the existing memory trace. The new information acts as a memory anchor causing retrieval impairment

LesK • 1 year ago

your friend, your cousin, your family... personal relationships change everything. there's something you didn't even realize you did even today, it's called compartmentalization. it's both a psychological coping mechanism and a trained response to stressors that can be imprinted into your brain through experience and education and training. i've gone through the education, training, and i've had more experiences with trauma that you could imagine. i spent 14 years in the US Army as a military policeman and was also raised by an Air Force police officer father. basically, from the time i could toddle around i was my father's little... well not a science experiment... more like a trainee. i've got combat experience atop all of that after a yearlong deployment to Baghdad, Iraq in 2003.

so, within seconds of seeing that scene... i already saw everything i mentioned at full speed and knew it was all wrong. i just went back to replay it in slow-motion to merely confirm everything i saw.

i do realize that prosecutor doesn't have the same levels of compartmentalization that i do today. yet, she should have received a decent amount of the training due to her job position.

police, fire, doctors, nurses, EMT, we all have to take into account how we'll respond to emergencies. mental training using planning and internal images, physical training, repetitive motions and more, all of these are factors used to give somebody the 'tools in their toolbox' so to speak.

i am not belittling your example, experience, or responses to that situation in any way. you reacted quickly, decisively, and in the most part from what you've described fairly close to correctly. not every situation can be charted out in your head. not everybody can 'what if...' something so thoroughly as to be able to react correctly most times. yet, there's an old mnemonic i've used for decades now: The Five Ps: Prior. Preparation. Prevents. Poor. Performance.

Inspector Naruhodo • 10 months ago

Certainly, They then "take the best" option in their assessment of their probabilities. For example, they recognize a city due to knowing its sports team, and thus they assume that that city has the highest population. "Take the best" refers to a cue that is viewed as most valid and becomes support for the person's interpretations.

LesK • 10 months ago

mkay, that is a valid point. but incorrect in application for this particular situation. assessing probabilities is a MINOR part of threat assessment and emergency/panic response training, education, and experience. most IMMEDIATE best response is the first step. somebody's pointing a pistol at you suddenly, do you immediately: hide, run, or shoot them first? maybe talk to them if you see they are hesitant or emotional or appear entirely unskilled with the pistol. this prosecutor was:
1 given some warning by the husband's note that a problem was happening.
2 the prosecutor knew the husband personally and professionally.
3 the wife was NOT behaving properly panicked/distraught if she was arriving at the apartment fearful her husband was going to commit suicide.

so the prosecutor should have been properly on a moderate level of alert and preparing herself mentally for a risky but not personally dangerous to herself (or the wife) situation.

i also forgot to mention in my comment a year ago, when the prosecutor did approach her colleague she was talking to him and received ZERO response. no body movements, no hands shaking, no turn of the head, NOTHING. no verbal response either. because that was a DEAD BODY not a human being in mental distress. ALL HIGH BUILDING jumpers want to talk. even if it is to scream and yell and draw attention to themselves. humans do NOT jump off of HIGH BUILDINGS when they want to quietly commit suicide in private. they want a public spectacle of some sort.

this suicide is so OBVIOUSLY staged that ANY average human would notice SOME of the details i've previously mentioned and get that 'something fishy is going on' feeling. if it wasn't immediately on-the-spot... hindsight would EASILY parse out those experiences for closer examination. additionally, she's not any AVERAGE human! she's the #1 prosecutor in THE PREFECTURE! she's got the most wins/successfully adjudicated cases... that means the lady is seriously detail oriented, smart, experienced, and has a very sharp memory.

but hey, if Detective Conan can turn Ran from a uber-strong super-human karate chick kickin ass and bustin in car door windows with a knee drop from a hand-stand on the roof of the car; to an 'eeek save me!' damsel in distress... in the same episode? i guess they can nerf the #1 prosecutor in the Prefecture down to a 'panic mode, frail-minded woman'. :>

Inspector Naruhodo • 10 months ago

Yes sir, appreciate your response for an year old thread
I watched this episode ~12 years ago, was skimming through and found your comment

LesK • 10 months ago

yikes! :o 12 years? whew! what a flashback to our pasts! i remember hearing/reading about Conan from back in the 1990's when i first started watching anime. but i never got into it back then. after Cartoon Network first started playing Funimation's English dubs of Conan episodes i watched several but the SEVERE localization turned me off from that version. much MUCH later on during Covid confinement i FINALLY decided to dive into Conan wholeheartedly. i've made it through Funi's dubs and the online fansubs. presently, i caught up with Crunchroll's English subbed episodes (but i've taken a MONTHS long break) up to episode 1023.

once more, i appreciate your viewpoints! :D if we 'both' continue on with Conan here on gogo do drop me a comment, if you see mine, or if i see yours i'll say hello!

Inspector Naruhodo • 10 months ago

well, it's been a tumultuous journey for me, first watched it in winter 2004-2007 as a evening happy hour show. I believe this liberated my innocent mind than most other shows at the time and added a sense to strive for the truth. I also learnt the moonlight sonata, 1st movement on piano because of the episode with the same name.
Lost touch, for a few years yet somewhere in my head it still lingered with its gothic themes.
Got access to a PC in 2010 and than via YouTube, watched random episodes(i didn't know about streaming services back then). Most of those were canon, I believe. That was until 2015 when I finally watched the movies and it was over, I thought.
In late 2019 I started from ep 675 again and had caught up to the latest one, even though the gothic themes of Edogawa Rampo are missing, I still enjoy it for taking a fresh approach.

Also sure, I'll be around. You sound like a eloquent person, much like myself. God Bless you.

Elgarnan • 4 months ago

35:23 conan allowed it intentionally 😂

Delta Chi • 1 year ago

Okay lawyers acting on their own there's gotta be a price to pay
Bruh 6 month salary cut and 1 month suspension

strange guy • 1 year ago

Next episode is the last for season 16 and a new opening

strange guy • 1 year ago

Why are these specials that long?I mean three

justforgood • 1 year ago

im still getting "kilig" by the fact that Eri-san still calls Mouri "honey" Hihihi ^^

Sekai • 2 years ago

3 specials in a row?? Lucky

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah I know

bari • 2 years ago

goro is always a witness at these court trials

bari • 2 years ago

eri's clients are always uncooperative af

bari • 2 years ago

courtroom confrontation <333

Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

Me: "Have a lovely vacation Kujou; don't get into any trouble. =_="

Conan: "Prosecutor Kujo, are you going somewhere?"

Me: "SHINICHI...!"

Kujou: "Tottori"

Me: "😩🤦🏾‍♂️ What did I just say?!!"

strange guy • 1 year ago
